
Failing to hold the Council of Ministers during this quarter, advocacy actions have been stepped up to ensure broad participation of country members in the next Council. In the meantime, practical preparations are well under way as reform documents are reviewed in detail to ensure their consistency and relevance.

In addition, the launch of tailor-made and on-demand training courses at the end of September will offer a unique opportunity for stakeholders to discuss on the sector developments and the consolidation of achievements to ensure the sustainability of investments.

Meanwhile, projects and programs implementation in countries has continued and good prospects for substantial financing mobilization are in sight.

This report, covering the period from July 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019, outlines all the institution achievements and opens new perspectives for the holding of the Council of Ministers.

  1. Research-action for the development and promotion of technological innovations

The overall research situation in the different countries is as follows:

1.1.     Cameroon

- Study on households willingness to pay a sanitation tax in order to define a sanitation company self-financing strategy: the process of selecting a consulting firm is underway at the level of the responsible Minister.

- Joint Research Project on Disaster Management in Floods and Droughts (INTEWAR): Concept note validated by the German Ministry of Education and Research, funding partner. The stakeholder workshop was held to develop the proposal and define the schedule for the launch of project activities in January 2020.

1.2.     DRC/Congo

Carrying out of a socio-sanitary diagnosis and analysis of gender relations study: an assessment of the differentiated perceptions and expectations of men and women on the quality of the public drinking water service; and development of a communication strategy between the LCDE and its users

1.3.     Cote d’Ivoire

Research works are carried out on the following two themes:

-        Innovative and sustainable method to fight Swollen Shoot disease at a lower cost: the research protocol developed is currently being validated by the scientific department responsible for supervising the research

-        Energy recovery of effluents from attiéké plants and support for their sustainable conservation: various studies are planned on socio-economic, socio-anthropological, energy and environmental themes. A master's thesis addressing the socio-economic empowerment of women producing attiéké is being prepared for defense. Doctoral students and Master 2 students in biotechnology were also mobilized to deal, among other things, with microbiological aspects and the modelling of the bioenergy production process

1.4.     CAR

The issue of sewage sludge management in the 1st district of the city of Bangui: research topic in the Master's degree in water, hygiene and sanitation at the Aube Nouvelle University in Ouagadougou

1.5.     Senegal

A thesis project and a budgeted work plan are currently under review on the theme "Research on the best combination of organic materials available in rural areas to improve the performance of biogas production from Hand Flushing Toilets (HFT) and the optimization of the quantity of water used in bio-digesters as well as the comparison of agricultural fertilizers quality after biomethanization".

2.Implementation of projects and programmes

The celebration of the end of open defecation (ODF) in most enrolled villages is to be welcomed and intensified. Surely, the majority of projects focusing on this theme have come to an end, but negotiations are under way either to scale up or to launch a new phase. These achievements must be preserved especially since it has increased WSA's visibility on the field.

Opportunities to mobilize new funding have been offered all out and requests have been made to this effect. In addition, close monitoring of old fundings is carried out on a regular basis in order to maximize and diversify financial flows for the optimal implementation of initiatives.

The following summary table presents the general situation of projects and programmes in the countries.

Country office portfolio dashboard


Project Title

Financial Partner




Burkina Faso

Study on the adaptation of school infrastructures for better management of menstruation by girls in schools

To be seeked

Provinces of Ioba, Kouritenga, Namentenga, Sanmatenga, Bougouriba, and Poni


Plan International amendments to the provisional report are expected for the study dissemination at the national level

Soscial housing Programme in Bassinko/Ouagadougou

Burkinabè Government

Capital Population


Taking into account the commitments of each party and the additional costs borne by the 2 construction companies, the following arrangements have been agreed:

- GERBATP remains liable for the sum of 22,000,000 FCFA to WSA out of the 40 million FCFA invested

- ECNAF remains liable for the sum of 21,000,000 FCFA to WSA out of the 40 million FCFA invested

Project in environmental education, hygiene and sanitation in schools in the peri-urban areas of Ouagadougou

CEAS Switzerland

Schools in the 05 communes of the province of BOULKIEMDE


- Training of 40 teachers and 10 Parents Associations/EMAs on the promotion of hygiene and sanitation in schools

- Presentation of pedagogical guide to actors for hygiene education in schools



Cameroon Government

National Territory


Awaiting authorization from the Minister of Water and Energy to relaunch the program

The Support Project for Women's Leadership in the Management of Infrastructures and Supply of Sustainable Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services (PALFISD-WASH)

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI)

Women Associations

Under negotiation

Project worth CFAF 15,427,000 under negotiation


CLTS and Promotion of godd practices in Lékoumou


Departement of Lékoumou

6 months as from July 2018

- 35 villages have been certified ODF out of the 40 villages triggered

- Completion of the project first phase with very satisfactory results

Ecological latrines construction Project

Brasseries du Congo (Breweries)

Primary schools of Brazzaville

Under negotiation

Awaiting funding from the Heineken Africa Foundation

ECOSAN latrines construction and social engineering Project in Mossaka

Mossaka Malewu

Locality of Mossaka

Under negotiation

Project awaiting financing after validation of technical and financial bids

Project for the Extension in Peripheral Areas and Strengthening of the Drinking Water Supply in Brazzaville (PEPS)


Ministry of Energy and Hydraulics

  1. months

- Identification, mobilization and organization of community structures for the project implementation

- Design and dissemination of SARAR /PHAST and HAMS tools for awareness-raising in drinking water, hygiene and sanitation; and to combat erosion in family, school, health and public environments

- Organisation of door-to-door public awareness campaigns, focus groups and broadcasting of audio-visual messages

- Raising awareness on how to access connections, reduce water waste and control water consumption at homes

- Monitoring and evaluation of the evolution of actions to combat erosion and the rate of access to water, hygiene and sanitation services in family, school, health and public environments, including gender relations

- Participation in weekly meetings to monitor project implementation

IEC and Extension Project for handwashing devices in schools in the department of La Cuvette

African Oil Group Corporation(AOGC)

Department of La Cuvette

Under negotiation

Expected funding from AOGC

Hygiene and sanitation Project in the Plateaux Department


Department of Plateaux

Under negotiation

Funding expected from UNICEF for the construction of ECOSAN latrine blocks, showers and handwashing divices for refugees from the DRC

Cote d’Ivoire

ODF Schools and Villages Latrinization Program (PLEV-FDAL)

Government social Programme

Rural Sanitation Department (DAR) of the Ministry of Sanitation and Hygiene


- Contract signed on 12 July 2019 for the implementation of the Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in 15 villages in the Department of Zuénoula (Marahoué Region, Central West Côte d'Ivoire)

- A team of 04 facilitators has been recruited and deployed in the field

- Triggering of the 15 villages in September 2019

Energy recovery from effluents from attiéké plants and support for their sustainable conservation

FIRCA (Interprofessional Fund for Agricultural Research and Consulting)



- completion of the platform to start biogas production activities from attiéké production and drying

- installation of visibility signs

- organization of capacity-building sessions for women producers on two key themes:

(i) Management and community life

(ii) Inventories management

- participation in the meetings of the Project Management Unit composed of WSA Côte d'Ivoire, UJLoG and "YEBO-EKON" the beneficiary Cooperative Company

- working session with the FIRCA delegation as part of their project monitoring missions

Marketing of processing products and promotion of new business sectors (Care International)


Cities of Bouaké and Katiola

Under negotiation

- Call for applications relaunched as part of the PATER Project (Promotion of access to toilets and jobs in Bouaké and Katiola through the reuse of sludge and urine)

- Submission of the offer


Resilience and economic growth in the Sahel

-Strengthening Resilience (USAID/REGIS-ER)


Regions of Maradi, Tillabéry and Zinder


  • Project to end on 31 July 2019 but extended for 14 months (August-September 2020) to consolidate the achievements of the past phase and transfer responsibilities to local institutions (Municipalities). Actions to be followed-up at Tillabéri :

- 5 water point management committees (CGPE) have opened bank accounts

- The CGPE of Bonkor has 310,000 FCFA in its account

- In Ayawane the amount on hand is 240,000 FCFA, 4 repairs were made for an expense of 10,500 FCFA

- In Tigodaret: 75,000 FCFA are available in crates after the recent repair of the borehole

- In Kourmou: monthly contribution of 500 f per month per household with 3 repairs which cost 265 000 FCFA and the amount available at the cash register is 235 000 FCFA

- In Tagantassou: a partner has set up the Human-Operated Pump as a Small Water Supply Network. They have an availability of 255,000 FCFA in cash register with 3 repairs and the payment method is direct at the price of 10 FCFA per 25 litre can.

- The CGPE of the village of Bonfeba has not yet opened a bank account, but the process is ongoing. The amount on hand for this committee is 36,000 FCFA after 3 repairs

  • Regular monitoring of the water quality of 10 boreholes in the Zinder region.
  • Support for the management of drilling contracts in Niger
  • Transfer of responsibilities and support to local institutions:

- Support for the establishment of the area committees and training on the local convention development process

- Elaboration of rules for the management of all key economic activities on which the population of the commune depends for its livelihood

- Training of stakeholders (Mayor, JWG members, WASH focal point and members of the Good Practices Commission) to take charge of promoting the payment of water services on an operating account

- Support for the implementation of the environmental monitoring and management plan


Project to build 30 manual boreholes in ODF villages


Prefecture of Mbomou

Under negotiation

Project developped and submitted

CLTS Project in Lobaye




- 36 villages out of the 50 target villages ODF triggered are in the process of being certified by the DGRH

- Completion of 03 additional boreholes in three different locations in the Lobaye region  

IEC for the building of 50 boreholes of the PSEPA


Bangui + 4 Prefectures


Extension of the project without additional cost until November 2019 to consolidate achievements

IEC for the multinationalproject of interconnection of RCA / DRC electrical networks from the Boali 1 hydroelectric system (PMIRE)


Prefecture of Ombella M’poko in CAR and the province of Equateur/RDC


Contract awarded and contract signature undrway for the start of activities in the 4th quarter of 2019

IEC for the RWSSI/PSEPA project


3 Prefectures of CAR

On going negotiation

Offer submitted for the construction of 66 villages

Water, hygiene and sanitation project in prisons and police and gendarmerie stations


Prisons and police stations

On going negotiation

Projet Under negotiation


Capacity building project for young drillers and well driggers in construction technology for water and sanitation works


Young people and drillers

On going negotiation

Projet Under negotiation

CLTS project in two prefectures under negotiation


2 prefectures

On going negotiation

Projet Under negotiation


Project for the Sustainable Improvement of the Sanitary and Socioeconomic Conditions of the People in rural areas(PADSER)

European Union

Region of Sédhiou


- 1,300 latrines built to date, including 290 completed works without a tank and 1,010 with tanks for hand washing devices

- 104 latrines are under construction

- 404 requests recorded to acquire works

- 30 HWD installed in schools

- An order for 22 bio-digesters is in progress, knowing that 23 bio-digesters connected to a latrine have been carried out to date

- 25 sani shops out of the 28 installed are operational

- 11 of 20 agronomic trial plots were installed covering corn, peanuts, onions and eggplant using sanitation by-products (urine, digestate)

- Continuation of social mobilization, awareness raising activities affecting 61,117 people

Project to improve Access to Water and Sanitation in the regions of Tambacounda, Sédhiou and Kolda (PEPAM)

European Union

Regions of Tambacounda, Sédhiou and Kolda


For the Tambacounda / Kolda area:

- 117 standpipes produced out of 117

- 35 water towers provisionally accepted out of 35

For the Sédhiou area:

- 8 water towers provisionally accepted out of 8


Contract programme

Chad government

National territory


The disbursement of the State counterpart is linked to the budget collective still expected


Togo Urban Development Project-Phase 2 (PAUT 2)

European Union


Ministry of water and village hydraulics


Participation in the ecological race and cleaning operations of the surroundings of the 4th lake within the framework of the EU Togo Forum: cleaning session followed by an ecological race in small strides in the spirit of mass sport during which participants pick up waste along the 4th lake

Notsè Water and Sanitation Project-Phase 2 (PEAN 2)

European Union

City of Lomé


- Awareness campaign in the districts of the Municipality focused on the cleanliness of drinking water, good management of household waste, the use of latrines, hand washing, maintenance of sanitation facilities, wild dump removal

-Awareness adds broadcasted on local partner radios for behavior change in favor of hygiene and sanitation

Regional program of multi-purpose hydraulic installations for achieving food security


Communauty of Nagbéni


Following awareness-raising on hygiene and sanitation for behavior change and good management of works, the following changes can be observed in the field:

ü  Existing water points are better maintained

ü  Children usually wash their hands and fruits before eating them

ü  Defecation in nature decreases

ü  The people maintain the storefronts of their concessions

ü  Public places are better maintained

Overall, the beneficiary populations are always receptive to messages and continue to react positively in the direction of behavior change in terms of hygiene and sanitation

3.Capacity building of actors

The launch of the tailor-made and on-demand training process, the participation in workshops and consultation frameworks, the supervision of students and trainees constituted, among other things, the main menu of training of actors during the quarter.

In the countries, sector actors and WSA staff were equipped with tools of sensitization and mobilization for behavior change on the issues of hygiene and sanitation in particular.

Far from being exhaustive, the overall assessment of capacity building can be summarized as follows:

Burkina Faso

- German-Burkinabé Cooperation Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Program (PEA) has been implemented by GIZ since 2006 and is placed under the technical supervision of the Ministry of Water and Sanitation. It aims to improve the supply of drinking water and sanitation for the population, in particular those living in peripheral urban areas and villages attached to urban centers. The PEA has been extended for a three years period (January 2019 to December 2021)

WSA Burkina was asked to provide training for GIZ advisers and partner structures on the "Sustainability of projects and programs for the supply of drinking water, hygiene and sanitation by SARAR / PHAST" theme. Participants were given various technical files on the SARAR / PHAST approach and technological options, as well as a bag of SARAR tools adapted to their context to be used in the field.

- Participation in the validation workshop of the FDAL 2O19 roadmap organized by the General Department of Sanitation with the support of UNICEF: positioning of each actor for the operationalization of the activities selected with a view to achieving the End of Open Air Defecation (ODF)

- Participation in the extraordinary general assembly of the consultative framework for research in the field of Water and sanitation (CPCR-Eau). It is an associative structure composed of the dismemberment of the State and of legal persons under the aegis of the Minister of Water and Sanitation. The CPCR-Eau mission is to promote concertation between research structures and organizations benefiting from the results of research on water and sanitation on the one hand, and on the other hand to facilitate dialogue between researchers and practitioners to improve industry practices and efficiency. As an important decision, the scientific days will now be held twice a year at the General Department of Water Resources.

- Participation in the 2019 mid-term review of the Sectoral Dialogue Framework "Environment, Water and Sanitation" (CSD-EEA): an overall assessment of the achievements has been made in the sectors of environment, water/sanitation and urban planning.

- Participation in the regional dialogue on "accelerating progress in the implementation of IWRM to achieve the water-related SDGs in West Africa: challenges, innovative approaches and roles of partnerships". It is organized by the Regional Water Partnership of West Africa (GWP-AO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of Burkina Faso, the Center for Water Resources Management of ECOWAS and the West African Monetary and Economic Union Commission (UEMOA) responsible for Agriculture, Water Resources and the Environment.

The main objective of the regional dialogue of key actors was to contribute to advancing the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda by improving water governance and ensuring water security to support the achievement of the SDG6 and other water-related SDGs at national, transboundary and regional levels in West Africa.


Participation in a training workshop for trainers on menstrual hygiene management in humanitarian response through the prism of WASH. The entire WASH Cameroon platform including UNICEF, UN-Women and the Ministry of Water and Energy took part in the workshop


- Support to the General Department of Hydraulics in the holding of the workshop of training of the mason-craftsmen on the techniques of construction of the improved autonomous latrines. This workshop bringing together 50 masons from the villages of the districts of Mayéyé, Sibiti and Zanaga took place in 2 phases: theoretical and practical

- Training of support staff in the use of SARAR / PHAST tools and in the manufacturing techniques of the "tippy tap" type handwashing device

Cote d’Ivoire

Participation, as a resource legal person, in the work of the Drafting Committee of the final document of the National Strategy for Sanitation in Rural Areas (SNAR) of Côte d'Ivoire. The development of this strategy is part of the cooperation between the Government of Côte d'Ivoire and UNICEF


Training was initiated and led by the Country Office on the concepts of water and sanitation for the benefit of a young association called FDI.

4.Organizational performance

The outlook seems bright, and the horizon is gradually cleared for WSA both diplomatically that under volume ever growing portfolio of more. WSA is regularly consulted on industry issues and frequently asked to participate, animate and direct technical meetings or groups of reflections. This means that the new institutional mechanism put in place is working and the organizational performance instruments tested for almost two years are beginning to set.

4.1. Hosting agreement

Signed between WSA and Chad on August 8, 2019, the Hosting Agreement enshrines the establishment of the Agency in the Republic of Chad in accordance with the instruments and uses applicable to Organizations of comparable rank and gives it full legal personality of International organisation. The Resident Representative accreditation letter was presented on September 10, 2019 to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Integration, International Cooperation and the Diaspora.

This diplomatic breakthrough is the mark of good organizational performance which the Agency must jealously guard wherever it is established.

4.2 Organizational audit

Various discussions between WSA Management and the Africa Consult & Performances Cabinet made it possible to clarify certain details of the reforms. Like other similar organizations, WSA must have a form of organization that meets the criteria of exceptional performance and the requirements of a pan-African agency with high added value.

The expected version of the reform documents will consolidate all these concerns for the strategic repositioning of WSA on the issues of major continental issues in terms of hygiene, sanitation and drinking water on the continent.

4.3. Call for expressions of interest

A significant number of service offers and calls for expressions of interest were submitted during the quarter. The Agency is in the final stages of most selection processes and will continue to make a difference through the quality of its offers. Other processes have been completed and contracts have been signed to deliver high-quality programs in the field. Most country offices are at work and remain mobilized in the field of competition

4.4. Mobilization of partnerships and States

The diplomatic offensive intensified during the quarter through exchanges, hearings and participation in official meetings. The presence of WSA is increasingly marked at major official ceremonies both at headquarters and in country offices.

Consequently, requests for tenders and participation in the activities of technical and financial partners are regularly recorded.

Much more interesting is the renewed interest shown by member states in their Pan-African institution, as evidenced by the frequency of exchanges on the life of the Agency, the regularity of contacts and operational support. The volume of financial support from States is increasing from 2018 to the present, a tangible sign of reappropriation of WSA, the only very active instrument in action research for the promotion of the WASH sector in Africa.


For the last quarter of 2019, the following results are expected:

- The launch of on-demand and tailor-made training

- The accentuation of advocacy actions towards States and TFPs

- The submission of proposals to calls for expressions of interest and calls for projects

- Meeting of Experts

- The holding of the Council of Ministers


The increasingly asserted presence of WSA in the operational and diplomatic fields; and in official meetings is consolidating day by day. The volume of resources mobilized or in the process of mobilization is sufficient proof of the gradual return to normality and to full operating conditions.

Technically, the initiatives developed in terms of productive sanitation are yielding very encouraging results and are waiting to be scaled up. As in Senegal, monitoring of the trial plots revealed that the use of sanitation by-products is effective in the recovery of hygienic excreta in agriculture. Indeed, biofertilizer boards (hygienized urine or digestate) have better growth and more advanced vegetative development compared to other control boards. The use of by-products has proven to be an alternative to chemical fertilizer and has less negative impact on the environment.

WSA has indeed returned to its fundamentals, namely the resumption of research activities on emerging themes, the training and supervision of students and sector actors, the support of States and communities in the implementation of their policies andstrategies on hygiene, sanitation and drinking water. Contacts have been made with research centers, notably the Center for Research and Studies in Social and Human Sciences (CRESSH) of Congo to conclude a partnership agreement.

Diplomatically, the Agency influence is growing and its operational base is growing every day. At headquarters and in country offices, numerous contacts are established and the Agency credibility is reaffirmed through exchanges, audiences, visits received and invitations to participate in summits and other major meetings.

Furthermore, advocacy actions will be developed towards new partners to attract the maximum investment towards areas with high needs that are not covered on the one hand and on the other hand for the scaling up of already tested and promising initiatives.

Finally, the organization of the Council of Ministers will remain the institution top priority. The papers of the council are being refined while the preparation for this great meeting is accelerating both at headquarters, in the member states and at the level of the country holding the presidency.