As a Pan African Inter-governmental Agency, Water and Sanitation for Africa complements regional efforts by providing continental leadership in the development of innovative and sustainable approaches, evidence-based policy advice, and advocacy services in the provision of water, sanitation and hygiene services in Africa. Your support to WSA thus earns you the pride of impacting in the lives of millions of Africans who gain access to basic and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene services.
Previously known as the African Regional Centre for Water and Sanitation (CREPA), WSA has, since 1988, been developing innovative approaches and technologies in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector. Currently as WSA, it's now time to apply our years of experience to provide the necessary technical advice on continental issues and expert services in WASH.
Originally set up in predominantly francophone countries in West and Central Africa, WSA has, since 2011, undergone institutional reforms that have enlarged its mandate to cover all countries in Africa, and also to incorporate economic and financial models with charitable activities in the WASH sector. To respond to the tenets of this mandate, the institution has further been split into three operational bodies: the WSA Foundation, which performs all charitable functions including advocacy, community water supply and sanitation services and fundraising; the WSA Research and Competence Centre (RCC), which focuses on research and development of competencies of professionals for the WASH sector and the WSA Enterprise & Investment Group (EIG), which undertakes various consultancy services that help to leverage more funding for the WASH sector to help increase access to improved WASH services.
The inclusion of economic and financial models and consultancies in the traditional charity functions is an innovation to leverage more funding for the WASH sector to supplement grant-related funding, which has not been adequate and sustainable for the enormous task ahead in the WASH sector.